Monday, February 16, 2015

The Begining

Why did i call this blog "coffee shop vibes" you ask? Great question.
Genuinely, it expresses who i am and what i stand for. Imagine this: you enter a vintage coffee shop after walking in a beautiful city (insert your dream city to live in here), and even if you're not a city person, imagine you're walking in a small town, a beach, a desert, whatever it may be for you. The main idea here is, you're walking. what is walking ? well, to me its connecting with yourself, your body, and your mind. Its always been a ritual in my family, if that's the right way to explain. Walking is a way to take your mind off of anything that is going on in your life, and just think about happiness, daydream, or take a small look at the beautiful world that surrounds you. Take your mind off of your phone screen, put the TV remote down, stand up, put on some shoes, go outside, and walk. Next, imagine you have walked for a while now and you feel like grabbing something to drink, or you have a creative idea that you want to sit down and write about. Customize this situation to whatever it may be for you. Are you an outgoing person ?Then maybe you're walking to go meet up with some friends or a loved one. If you like being in solitude surrounded by your own secure thoughts and emotions, you might just want to sit down at a table and have some time to think. Thinking, its the only thing that you have in this universe securely to yourself. Its beautiful, unique, and fascinating. Its the one thing that you can feel safe to carry around the world- your own thoughts. However, just as any other atom in nature, thinking has its good and its bad. Thinking also causes stress, anxiety, and suicide. Being within your own mind and figuring yourself out is such a beautiful journey, but must be carefully pursued. Figuring out who you truly are as a person is simply like balancing on a thin string in a circus act and knowing that every.single.person. is watching you, expecting you to succeed.  Its, scary. Very , very, scary. The pressure is on you, don't fall. you cant fall. you will look weak. Don't you remember learning about survival of the fittest? Those are the things you're saying. But also, its captivating. Learning something new about yourself everyday, is quite amazing and special in my opinion. Anyway, back to the scenario. So, whatever the reason may be, you have reached the coffee shop. The weather is just right, whether for you its pouring rain, blazing sun, or snowing crystal snowflakes. You walk in, and immediately, the fresh, strong, smell of brewed coffee fills your senses. You order whatever it is that you love, whether it may simply some green tea, a cappuccino, or black coffee. Something soothing and relaxing. There are people surrounding you, sitting at their table, conversing about happy memories, maybe planning out their next business ideas, or meeting up with old friends they haven't seen in years. The vibe is : peaceful, relaxed, and full of happiness. Your sit down at either your favorite little nook to read that one book you've been absolutely dying to finish. Does she end up with her childhood best friend or the new boy next door? Does the superhero finally beat the evil villain? Does the little boy finally reunite with his birth parents? Books are truly a piece of art, aren't they? Good vs. Evil, Love, and Passion. They always have a message to share with us. Maybe you're more of a music person. Don't forget your favorite headphones! What will it be today? Old school rock, classical, maybe some indie? If none of the above, maybe you're carrying that huge math book because truly, you have to pass the class and you have an exam next week. Study up! Learning is just a part of growing as a person. 
I hope now you have a little sense of this coffee shop. Every single person comes in with a different goal; to relax, to catch up, to study, whatever it may be. But they leave with a common, mutual feeling: emotionally fulfilled. Happy, peaceful, and optimistic. Those are my vibes, and what i wish to share with the world. Come along on my journey ! Grab some fuzzy socks, your favorite blanket, and of course... a cup of hot, fresh coffee. 
XOXO. Victoria

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